Prof Cecilia Onyango
University of Nairobi
Over twenty years experience in research and capacity building in the areas of crop physiology, postharvest handling of fresh produce, food safety, nutrition, utilization and conservation of underutilised/neglected crops; and eco-efficient bioresource management.
Day 1: Tuesday 6th of August - POLICY ACTIONS
Plenary Session 2: - Policy pathways to transformed food systems
Facilitator: Prof Norman Maiwashe Agricultural Research Council, South Africa
Key Note Presentation – Prof Cecilia Onyango, University of Nairobi
Panel Discussion
- Mr Duncan Samikwa, Directorate of Food Agriculture and Natural Resources (FANR) Southern African Development Community (SADC)
- Ms Eluphy Nyirenda, AGRA Malawi
- Kofi Kisiedu Acquaye, Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD) Africa
- Mr Readwell Musopole Director of Planning, Ministry of Agriculture - Malawi
Q & A
Policy Implications and Reflections
- Dr Dumisani Kutywayo, Department of Research and Specialist Services- Zimbabwe
- Mr Chola Mfula, African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD)