
Dr Martin Moyo

Country Representative – Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Senior Scientist, ICRISAT Zimbabwe

Principal Scientist (Farming & Systems Analysis) | Country Representative (Zimbabwe) | Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Sciences Cluster Leader

Martin is a versatile Farming and Systems Analysis Scientist with 20 years combined capacity building, research, international project development, implementation and supervision experience in sustainable agriculture, integrated environment management, food and nutrition security, climate-change mitigation, adaptation and resilience working with diverse stakeholders and partners in Africa.  
Martin has developed and delivered hands on international capacity building trainings, workshops and higher-level expert briefings for practitioners, government and international development program leaders and policy makers on smallholder irrigation development, integrated soil and water management, nutrient cycling in agroecosystems, climate-smart food security initiatives; use of climate information for farm decision making (climate risk management)  and enhancing developing country’s capacity on climate change adaptation and mitigation.