
Dr Gbegbelegbe Sika

Agricultural Economist (Foresight Modeler)

Sika Gbegbelegbe Dofonsou, a Canadian, has joined IITA-Malawi Station as an Agricultural Economist (Foresight Modeler). In IITA, her research focuses on using bio-economic modeling tools for foresight analysis related to IITA’s mandate crops.

She obtained her Bachelor (1999) and Master’s (2000) of Science degrees in Agricultural Economics and Business from the University of Guelph. She earned a PhD degree in Agricultural Economics and Business from Purdue University in 2008.

Prior to her appointment, she was the Leader and Focal Point for the research program on Policies, Institutions and Markets (PIM) in CIMMYT (2013 to May 2015).


Day 2: Wednesday 7th of August - CLIMATE ACTIONS

Plenary Session 6: – Climate Action Pathways to unlock food systems transformations

Moderator: Ms Beatrice Makwenda, Trust Africa

Key Note Presentation: Dr Gbegbelegbe, Sika, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)

Panel Discussion

  1. Lavel Moonga, University of Zambia
  2. Dr Ackim Mwape, New Zealand, Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre
  3. Prof Norman Maiwashe Agricultural Research Council, South Africa
  4. Dr Andrew Jamali, National Planning Commission - Malawi

Q & A

Policy Implications and Reflections

  1. Mr Mooketsa Ramasodi, Director-General: Department of Agriculture Land Reform and Rural Development South Africa
  2. Ms Tawonga Mbale-Luka, Director of the Department of Environmental Affairs, Malawi